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How This Baby With Down Syndrome Found Her Forever Home With A Single Dad

How This Baby With Down Syndrome Found Her Forever Home With A Single Dad

The fact that there are so many babies and children out there without families is horribly sad. Even sadder is the fact that kids who face health or development challenges are even less likely than most to find families willing to adopt them.

That’s what makes the fact that an Italian man named Luca Trapanese adopted a beautiful little girl named Alba when she was only 13 months old.

Alba has Down Syndrome and was rejected by 20 potential families before Trapanese came along to give the girl a new life. Trapanese has been working for and volunteering with organizations that focus on children with special needs since he was a teenager.

He’s wanted to be a father for many years, but seeing that he is still single, Trapanese decided to go the route of adoption.

In July 2017, Trapanese was given permission to adopt a child even though he was without a partner, under one condition: he had to adopt a special needs child who had previously been rejected by other families.

From the first moment he learned about Alba, then met her himself, the connection was instantaneous.

“When I first held her in my arms, I was overcome with joy. I felt she was my daughter straight away. It was the first time I held a newborn baby. Before that moment, I had always been scared. But, when I first held Alba, I knew I was ready to be her dad.”

When something is right, you just know, and by all accounts they’re both happy and flourishing in the new arrangement.

“Alba revolutionized my life and everything revolves around her. She brought me happiness and a sense of fulfillment. I am proud to be her dad. I wanted her to be my daughter.”

May everyone in the world find this perfect feeling, be it with their biological parents or the family you choose.

Source: https://twistedsifter.com/2022/12/how-this-baby-with-downs-syndrome-found-her-forever-home-with-a-single-dad/