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Home » 19 Effective Life Hacks That Make A Huge Difference

19 Effective Life Hacks That Make A Huge Difference


“If you constantly need to have certain things on hand at home, make a ‘house handbag’ to put it all in. After having eye surgery in 2021, they gave me a pouch to put all my eye drops in, and since then, I’ve needed to use them every hour. I always have my ‘house handbag’ with me with those drops, and I also put my meds, earbuds, dental floss, phone charger, chapstick, and a pen in it.”

“Whenever I have to go out, I just throw the pouch into my actual handbag. I used to constantly misplace little things like that, but now I almost always know where they are.”

—Tamara Jane O’Leary, Facebook
