27 Expensive Mistakes That People Completely Regret



“I was too generous with my siblings. At 21, I was the first financially independent sibling of many. My younger siblings are wonderful and I valued spending time with them. Since I was in my 20s and making above (not insanely above) market salary, I would pay for the hotel or occasional flight for trips we planned to meet up. Since they were still in school and not making money for many years, it was the logical approach. If we wanted to see each other, I would be the one traveling or paying for them to travel to see me. As they grew older and entered the workforce, most of their salaries exceeded mine.”

“I bought a house and poured money into it (didn’t profit off of it) and told them it was their turn to come visit me and help me out . . . not one of them came. Not one of them visited. Not one of them helped me out or offered to pay for anything. I was too generous and feel burned. This has continued for 12 years. 

When I asked them to visit me, they claimed to have no time or money but go on to post pictures of vacation in Costa Rica, Japan, staying at the Four Seasons and such. I called them out on it and they just got angry with me (and still never visited). 

It has been four years since I have asked any of them for anything. I am at such peace focusing on the people actually present in my life. I am so much better at spending my money on smart investments, which include which relationships I value. My siblings have still not made any trips to visit me but have asked me to visit them. I have explained many times that I overspent on hotels for us and their airfare and meals in the past so unless they are the ones to invest their time and money to come see me, I’m not interested. I used to be bitter but now it’s such bliss being totally aligned to what I value and valuing myself first.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/expensive-money-mistakes