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25 Toxic Things Millennial Managers Won’t Do

25 Toxic Things Millennial Managers Won’t Do


“I always encourage open communication because I never felt like I could be open and honest with my then-supervisors when I was rising through the ranks. In my mind, a leader should — without judgement — make sure you have the resources and time you need to do your job effectively, and open communication is the way to make that happen.”

“Having a bad day? Vent, and let me see if I can help you. Need a mental health day? Take it, no apology needed. Feeling sick? You don’t need to justify the reason to me, take the time you need to get well. Someone else on staff giving you a hard time? Tell me, and I will take care of it. Workload is drowning you? Let’s figure out how I can take some things off your plate.

We’re all part of the same team, and we’re all human beings. I may be your supervisor, but I’ve been where you are, and I get it! I totally get it! I will never treat my staff the way I have been treated under some supervisors.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/millennial-bosses-managers