Elderly Lady Walks Groceries Home In Brutal Heat When Airman Stops Her Not Knowing He’s On Film

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Janice Hall struggled to get her walker full of grocery bags back home in the Oklahoma heat. The 71-year-old woman had been out running errands all day without a car. After making stops at the post office, Walmart and the bank, she still had two more miles to trek before she reached home.

Janice is used to getting around by herself without a vehicle, but this day was particularly hot and humid. It was very clear she could use some assistance along the busy road, but everyone just kept driving past her. That was, until Tinker Airman Jibril Jennings drove by.

The Airman spotted Janice and quickly realized she was being ignored by his fellow drivers. He refused to pass her by without doing his part to help.

So, he pulled over and started loading Janice’s grocery bags into his trunk. Meanwhile, they had no clue another driver had pulled up behind them, recognized Jibril’s act of kindness, started recording it and then posted it online, where it went viral with millions of views.

The person who filmed this heartfelt moment watched as the pair got into Jibril’s car and drove off toward Janice’s home two miles down the road.

The story isn’t over there, however… because during this impromptu car ride, a very special friendship was beginning to form.

Footage provided by KFOR Oklahoma City

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/airman-brutal-heat-elderly-woman/