Young Brothers Start Candle Company To Buy Toys, But Decide To Help The Homeless Instead

Three young brothers were looking for a way to get more cash for video games and toys. Instead, they found a way to give back to their community. Celena Gill and her husband encouraged their sons—13-year-old Collin, 11-year-old Ryan, and 8-year-old Austin—to start a business if they wanted extra spending money. The boys heeded their parents’ advice.

“We asked our mom what her favorite thing to buy [is] … she said bath bombs, but there were too much chemicals and there’s a lot of process, so the next thing she said was candles,” Ryan explained to Celena then took a candlemaking class so that she could show her sons how it’s done.

“She taught us, so then we started testing each candle,” Collin explained. “It took a couple weeks to get a good formula and once we started selling, we almost sold out the first vending event we had.” They named their business Frères Branchiaux, French for Gill Brothers.

The boys have made over 10,000 candles since getting their start two years ago. After making enough money to get some of the things they wanted, they looked for a way to help their community with their profits. “I have a big heart and I always love helping others and helping the ones in need,” Ryan said. “Our mom asked how we want to give back.”

Since then, the boys have begun by donating 10% of their profits to homeless shelters in the Washington, DC, area.  The boys hope to expand to a candle truck, where they’d like to employ the homeless to increase their impact.

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