NJ: I wanted to look into the history of polka dot trends for this beat, but ended up stumbling upon a listing for “VINTAGE ’00s polka dot button-down dress” instead. Stew on that, millennials. What was I saying? Oh, the choice of a blue necklace with this ensemble is baffling.

MC: I love this outfit, mostly because of the belt and neckline. It’s a powerful, unique silhouette, and the perfect thing for Andy to be wearing when she’s seduced to the dark side (i.e., being a better assistant than Emily). The blue necklace doesn’t bother me, if only because an out-of-place accessory feels like the last vestige of Andy’s pre-Runway self.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashajokic1/the-devil-wears-prada-andy-outfits-ranked