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Home » 19 Things I Expected To Have As An Adult

19 Things I Expected To Have As An Adult

When I go to a friend’s house and snuggle their cat or when I see a particularly adorable dog on the street, I get sad and long for a little baby (NOT HUMAN) of my own. I would love that little stinker so much!! But, when characters in TV shows and movies have pets, do they show you all the poop walks, vet bills, destroyed furniture, and pet hair? Usually no, unless it’s part of a punchline. Yeah. I know myself. I love animals so much and was fortunate to grow up around many, but it takes a certain level of stability and maturity to be a responsible pet owner. I’m not there yet. Hell, plenty of people my age who get pets aren’t! I don’t have the time, the space, or the money right now, so it simply wouldn’t be fair to the animal if I tried before I’m truly ready.
