Creepiest Memories From Childhood

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“When I was 10 years old, I went to my local shop, which was about a five-minute walk from my house. Some guy came in while I was looking at the sweets and started talking to me. He offered to buy me sweets and a few fizzy drinks. And being the gluttonous 10-year-old I was, I accepted. He paid around 20 pounds on sweets alone. He somehow knew I had a much younger sister and asked if she liked bonbons. I replied that I didn’t know but she probably couldn’t eat them yet. When he got the drinks, he asked, ‘Where do you go to school?’ I pretended I didn’t know, but then he said my school. I’d never seen this man in my life. Then he asked where I lived. I lied and said, ‘Next to the train station.’ Then he said, ‘I’ve seen you walking here before.’ My heart dropped.”

“I nervously laughed, and once he paid, he asked if I wanted him to walk me home, since it was late. I declined and told him my dad was waiting for me.

“He walked me anyway. I usually walked down a certain street that turned to the train station, but also to my actual street. Before we turned, I said my dad was at the end waiting for me in his car. I ran home. I never told my mom. And I never, ever saw him again, so I assume he didn’t live near me.”

