Hilarious Things People Said While Loopy on Anesthesia


Occasionally, the thing the patient says makes sense, but they don’t provide enough context and end up totally freaking out the nurses. CelestialTyrant was getting a colonoscopy, and when the nurse removed the IV, he said, “Oh that’s neat. I’ve taken a lot of those out, but I’ve never had it done to me, and my patients are always dead.”

What he neglected to mention was that he was a funeral director, and often hospitals don’t remove tubing after a patient has died. Then, he told that same, poor nurse that she had a nice butt, but that it wasn’t as nice as his wife’s. That one’s kind of sweet. Still feel bad for that nurse and her mediocre butt, though. 

Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/loopy-patients-on-anesthesia