Trump Called the CEO of Apple ‘Tim Apple’ Because He’s Just That Far Checked Out of Reality


The president met with the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board on Wednesday and usually that sort of thing wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) be a ridiculously funny event but Trump is the president so obviously it was farcical. The highlight of this meeting was when Trump earnestly thanked Apple CEO, Tim Cook, for investing in America, except he called him Tim Apple.


Under normal circumstances and a normal administration this would still be hilarious (I mean it wouldn’t have happened in the first place but for arguments sake let’s say it would) but possibly forgivable, because who doesn’t slip up every now and then? We’re all human.

Except this is not even CLOSE to the first time Trump’s completely botched someone’s name, or even the first time he’s called a CEO by the name of their company.

Almost exactly a year ago he called Lockheed Martin CEO, Marillyn Hewson, Marillyn Lockheed. The timing is almost perfect, maybe March is a rough month for him? Or maybe he’s just extremely a dumbass, who’s to say.

As expected, this caused quite a commotion on the internet and people were quick to take this and run with it.

There’s even a video compilation of some (but not all) of the times Trump has just completely butchered people’s names.

The best part of this instance in particular, though, is that Tim Cook literally has a name plate. Like… It’s ON THE TABLE.

And if you zoom out, you’ll notice just how visible this name plate, which once again is literally on the table, is to everyone. It’s subtle, so take your time with it.

And as if this wasn’t already funny enough, the CEO turned legendary subtweeter actually changed his name to Tim Apple on twitter.


This is the best possible way anyone could’ve reacted to being called the name of their company and it’s for SURE the most amazing troll in Apple history.

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