Where Is Hosanna Plath, the Oldest ‘Welcome to Plathville’ Daughter?


Even if Hosanna isn’t on social media, she and her husband, Timothy Noble, aren’t exactly shy. They are a musical duo and, pre-COVID-19, they had frequently toured the United States putting on concerts. They met at the National Quartet Convention, a gospel music event, and, thanks to Timothy’s recording studio, they have even recorded music together.

It might benefit Hosanna and Timothy’s shared music career to eventually appear on Welcome to Plathville, if only for the possible exposure they’d get. For now, however, it seems like fans will have to make do with all of the other Plath children.

Watch Welcome to Plathville on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on TLC.

Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/where-is-the-oldest-daughter-on-plathville-hosanna-plath