15 Breeds Of Small Dogs That Make Perfect Buddies For The Whole Family


My two kids have been pushing me to get a puppy for years. Instead, we have one very old, very lazy dog. That’s because when it comes to having a family, a puppy is a lot of work and it’s a lot of work that I’m not sure I’m ready to do. But there’s a perfect solution when it comes to getting a dog that is small, adorable, and not necessarily a baby! There are tons of breeds of small dogs that your family will love to have around for years that will look just like a puppy long after the puppy stage!

Small dogs are great for so many reasons. You don’t need to have a big yard or a huge house for them to run around in. Plus, they’re extremely portable. Now, a lot of people love big dogs and I totally get that as the owner of a big dog myself. But the more I think about adding a new addition to our family, the better and better a small dog starts to look.

Here are 15 of the best breeds of small dogs that make great companions.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/breeds-of-small-dogs/