15 People Fed Up With The Job Application Process


Everyone knows that applying for jobs is pure torture. First, you’re forced to utilize fancy language on your resume to describe basic tasks. Second, you have to spend a ridiculous amount of time typing up a cover letter that will probably never be seen, and then if you get asked to interview, the process can take almost a month to be hired. The whole situation is incredibly stressful and the following people are 100% fed up with the BS. Here are 15 of our favorite thoughts on the job application process collected from the subreddit /r/RecruitmentHell.

Someone Give This Guy A Job At Google Already

Co-founder and CEO at 5d · Edited • O You are not Google, so you can't do interviews like Google. You can't subject software engineers to condescending coding puzzles, hours of grueling interviews, take-home coding assignments, and interview processes that take weeks or months. There is a reason Google can do interviews like this: they pay more than anyone else in the industry, they have legendary perks and they have a powerful brand. You don't. #softwareengineering #hiring 27,492 1,077 comments Text Font


(Source: Reddit)

Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/collections/15-people-fed-up-with-the-job-application-process