Promising reviews: “Lifesaver! I got this just in time for a family camping trip, as my child and I are both highly allergic to mosquitoes and the bites swell up very badly. We both used this on our bites and I am shocked at the results! The bites did not swell up like they normally do, and the itching was reduced to a minimum. I am absolutely sold and would recommend this product to anyone with bug bite issues!” —dzmom

“Seriously! Buy this. Buy multiple, keep one in the car, in the camper, in the bathroom, everywhere! This sucker (pun intended) WORKS! Like his mama, my son has sensitive skin and is extremely reactive to bug bites. He was stung by multiple wasps on the playground and I had this in my car, luckily. We got all the stingers out, no pain, no tears, and the best part, NO WELTS! Normally his skin would swell up and these horrible purple welts would be at each and every spot where he was bitten/stung, so painful for him. But, after using this right away, we had to really look hard for the spots were he got stung the next morning. I’ve since used it on fire ant bites on our feet (iykyk) and it worked like a charm. No itch or weird whitehead from the bite, a lifesaver for sure! DO NOT hesitate to buy this, it’s worth it and then some!” —Rebecca

Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in three colors).
