Promising review: “I’d heard the hype about this yummy, AAPI-owned brand from coworkers and Instagram for a few years, but never tried it — despite my whole family being major olive oil consumers. I finally ordered it a couple of months ago for my mom, who has just finished cancer treatment. I’ve been doing a lot of research about anti-cancer nutrition, and read that extra virgin olive oils high in oleocanthal (the compound responsible for that burning you get in the back of your throat from a fancy oil) can be beneficial. Well, turns out that when one Googles “oleocanthal,” Brightland literally pops up in the shopping results — this stuff is loaded with it.

It is also loaded with deliciousness. My mom, our friend (who’s a chef!!), and I all did a tasting of the ones we ordered and the oohs and ahhs were flying. We got this Duo (of Awake and Alive, the brand’s two plain oils — one bolder and the other a little lighter, respectively) plus the brand’s lemon- and basil-infused olive oils. Awake and the lemon oil were my two faves, but you really can’t go wrong. Bread, avocado toast, pasta, pesto, salad, veggies — this stuff is OMGworthy for all of ’em!” —Katy Herman, BuzzFeed Staff

Price: $74
