
“I won free Arby’s for a year. They sent me $420 in gift cards.”


And relatedly…”About 13 or 15 years ago when I was in college, Arby’s ran a promotion where if you input the code on your receipt to take a survey, you can get a free junior roast beef sandwich. The thing was, when you went to get your free sandwich, they had to print out a promo receipt. Which had another code. It was an infinite junior roast beef sandwich glitch.

I ate hundreds of junior roast beef sandwiches that year. I’d just sit in the restaurant and input surveys 4 or 5 times for lunch and dinner.

It was glorious. And deadly.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/people-who-won-a-lifetime-supply-or-years-supply-of