This thing is a miracle worker! I have a ten-month old chow chow puppy, and we’ve successfully entered the no-more-accidents-in-the-house phase of life 🙌 , but I had five months of poorly cleaned stains from vomit and urine on my carpets that needed some serious power put behind them. I nabbed the Little Green on a discount during Fall Prime Day and a week later, my puppy threw up SEVEN times after a later dinner and very exciting round of the zoomies throughout the night. Long story short: this portable carpet cleaner removed every single stain, including older stains that I thought had set into the carpet and were a lost cause, and I learned I can use it on my couch from a previous vinegar and baking soda stain! If you have pets of children, I seriously recommend adding this portable cleaner to your arsenal. I wish it came with a storage bag because I literally take it to other people’s houses to tackle their stains. So satisfying!

Promising review: “Two months ago we got an 6-month-old puppy who has needed some time to get adjusted. That included more than a few accidents in our living room and on his bed. This machine has made clean up of everything so much simpler and I love that it’s deep cleaning and has a nontoxic pet cleaner so that our not-so-little puppy can isn’t harmed through exposure or smells. Also helpful since my teenage sons like to camp out on the couch with their friends on long weekends and our couch gets that fresh clean smell in an hour.” —Kindle Customer

Get it from Amazon for $123.59.
