36 Amazon Products You’ll Wanna Tell Everyone About

Promising review: “When searching for a water bottle, I initially was tempted to get a Hydro Flask, but found this Iron Flask was cheaper. What sold the Iron Flask for me was that while it does keep water immensely cold over long periods of time, like the Hydro Flask, the Iron Flask comes with two additional lids and an extra straw. I like to use the water bottle wherever I go, and when filled with light ice, it has kept the water ice cold for up to 6+ hours. I have run my bottle into things by accident, and it has held up well. I’ve also knocked it over and left it on its side while driving, and there has been no leakage. Overall, if you’re looking for an alternative to the Hydro Flask without breaking the bank, the Iron Flask is more affordable, and better from what I’ve experienced.” —Marissa

Get it from Amazon for $17.95+ (available in six sizes and 25 colors). 

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/taylor_steele/amazing-products-start-shopping-network