35 Products To Help Solve Gross Problems In Your Life

The spray is chlorine-free, color-safe, and safe to use around children and pets. You can use it on carpets, floors, furniture, clothing, litter boxes, kennels – literally anywhere your pet has an accident!

Promising review: “We have three large dogs, and our house is constantly either full of fur, dog toys, mysterious puddles, vomit from yesterday’s trash excavation, or your bi-monthly bout of explosive diarrhea. If you’re hesitant on the price, which I was at first, your desperation to remove your carpet of brown and yellow spots will be rewarded by giving this a try. When I tell you this stuff is MAGIC IN A BOTTLE, I’m not exaggerating. Vomit, urine, diarrhea, butt juice. I know what you’re thinking…’What the hell kinda dogs do they own?!’ R & R got all of it out of the carpet. I’ll say it again…MAGIC IN A BOTTLE. $20 for magic? Do it. We will never buy another product again for as long as we both shall live. Or at least as long as we have carpet.” —Benjamin Poon

Get it from Amazon for $19.97.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/cieravelarde/products-solve-gross-problems