33 Gen X Things Other Generations Just Don’t Get

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“What defined Gen X growing up was living under the constant threat of nuclear war. If you wonder why Gen X is defined as ‘whatever,’ it’s because we believed that at some point in our future, we’d end up living, or dying, in a nuclear winter.”

“The USSR was the ‘evil empire,’ and watching the succession of premiers being executed or disappeared confirmed that. So much so, that when Gorbachev actually started the process of Perestroika, I didn’t believe it. I thought it was some kind of plot by the Russians to make us let our guard down.

The threat of nuclear war was constant. The continuation of human life on the planet was not a given.

I think there are many similarities between Gen X and the current generation (don’t think it’s Gen Z, but the kids currently going through elementary school). So, another ‘whatever’ generation growing up during COVID and the whole climate change crisis.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/gen-x-things