33 BS Rules Retail And Service Employees Must Follow


“At my last job, I dressed in all plain black clothes, as per the dress code. But there were no rules about jewelry, so I had a lot of fun wearing pentacles and other cool stuff. I’m a pagan, and the pentacle is a really important symbol for me. It represents connection with the earth and spirituality. About a month or two into the job, I’m told to sign this agreement that includes the sentence ‘no statement jewelry.'”

“I’m in shock, and I’m nervous that if I don’t sign I’ll lose my job, so I sign. Mind you this is a food service job, not a fashion job. I talk to the owner multiple times about how my jewelry is my self expression and I love it, and I’m not wearing anything offensive. She goes on to compare my jewelry to wearing swatztikas or swear words, even after I explain to her the meaning of the pentacle. She said she liked it, but she was worried customers wouldn’t. I know this is kind of a weird hippie-dippie new age religion, but it’s still MY religion. It hurts literally nobody, and represents good and peaceful things. I was so disgusted with her from that day forward. I quit a couple months later, and got a pentacle tattoo on my arm. I got a job somewhere else and they never criticize my tattoo or my jewelry.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hannahmarder/bs-rules-retail-and-service-employees-must-follow