It’s recommended for players 8 and older.

Here’s how to play: Pass out all the cards to the players and keep all the stacks face down. Everyone takes a turn putting a card down in the middle, while saying “taco,” “cat,” “goat,” “cheese,” and “pizza,” in that order. If the picture on your card matches the word that’s said, everyone races against each other to slap their hand on the central pile of cards. Whoever is last must take the pile of cards and add them to their stack, and the person who runs out of cards first wins!

Promising review: “Best gift I’ve given in years! I bought a set to play with my niece and nephew on vacation. They are 6 and 8, and they loved it. So did grandma. Since then I have given two sets away to friends with kids, and they have loved it. It is fun, different from your average card game, and challenging in surprising ways.” —Brian H.

Price: $7.99 (originally $9.99).
