Achieving your goals requires planning, discipline, and willpower.

You might want to give up at times, but then you remember your family, friends, and community will be proud once you finally get the job done. This gives you the strength you need to continue working toward your new goal.

But how exactly does this happen? Here are 3 simple ways to help.

When you stop thinking about your own success and figure out how it fits into the bigger picture, then it’s easier to keep pushing through your biggest obstacles.

It’s easier to understand this analogy if you play sports. Team sports instill a sense of community and belonging. Understanding your role and function can help your team work cohesively to obtain victory and success, but only if you all check your ego at the door.

Photo Credit: Unsplash,krakenimages

It’s hard to succeed in the face of obstacles, but it can be done.

Take janitors. People tend to overlook them and take their work for granted.

One study showed that janitors who work at a hospital or clinical setting are more invested in doing a good job if their work is seen as part of a greater purpose, such as caring for people who are ill.

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Photo Credit: Unsplash,Usman Yousaf

Even people who have seemingly boring jobs can find more workplace satisfaction if they tie their daily tasks with service.

Retail work and customer service are stressful, but if you have this type of job you can focus on how providing a timely refund or exchange decreases a customer’s unhappiness, or helps them find the right item and feel better.

Whatever your goals, decreasing your ego, seeing your work as part of something larger than yourself, and pushing yourself no matter what can really help you be on your way.

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Photo Credit: Reddit

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