28 People Share Their Spooky Paranormal Experiences

I was still driving somehow, so we rolled on slowly until we reached a red light up and sat there to gather ourselves. We looked to our right and the car behind us pulled up next to us, looking terrified too. We didn’t speak, but it was in their eyes the same way I know it must have been in ours. We all just stared at each other in silence until the light turned green. My boyfriend and I were reeling, trying to rack our brains about what had just happened. We weren’t paying attention to the time or much else for that matter. It’s a wonder we got home safely, because I barely remember the ride. Finally we pulled up to our dorm, and it was 3 a.m. We were on the road for 12 hours and have no account for eight of them. We’ve told this story a thousand times and nobody believes us, but we know what we saw.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/angelicaamartinez/i-never-really-was-a-believer-until-this-happened-28-people