I love my Instant Pot all year long and use it at least once a week. During colder months, I tend to make a new soup, chili, or stew every week, and in warmer months, I use it for roasting veggies, baking potatoes, cooking rice, and more! It’s such an easy and quick way to meal prep for the week, or portion and freeze for easy weeknight meals, which is ~super clutch~ when you’re a busy gal like me.

Promising review: “This product is my best friend and I would marry it and grow old with it if I could. I’ve put pork loins, potatoes, yellow bundt cakes, rice, corn on the cob (look up INSTANT POT MILK CORN ON COB and you will never eat it any other way again!). I’ve made pierogies, lasagna, apple dump cake, a whole chicken, bone broth, chicken noodle soup… and more. This is all in less than a month. I’m eating healthier. Eating out less. Cleanup is easy. The food tastes awesome. The pork loin never dried out after it sat on the serving tray.” —sugabuga

Price: $99.95+ (available in four sizes and four styles)

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/cierracowan/kitchen-products-amazon-for-your-wish-list