Promising review: “I’m a barista, and I’ve been looking for something that will help me recreate the drinks I make at work, without buying a 2,000-dollar espresso machine. This. product. is. it. It’s amazing. It creates a nice latte-like foam, in like, 30 seconds. You have to hold it at an angle, so I recommend using a steaming pitcher with it in order to create a milk vortex more quickly, so you get a nice, thick, layer of foam on your beverage. It’s easy to clean, and it’s an amazing product!! I highly suggest purchasing this. It also has a lifetime guarantee, and the customer service is awesome. Before I even got the package I got an email asking if everything worked okay and to let them know if I had any questions/complaints. Highly recommend!!!” —Lisa

Price: $9.99+ (available in six colors)
