
“My first office job was with a certain DC-area nonprofit I had always admired. The department I joined was just me and my boss, and he was well liked in this particular field. But, the problems started right away. Every single thing I worked on, he insisted I put his name on it as the creator. He said it was because he had more name recognition than me, so the work would be more impactful if it had his name on it. I bought into that for about a month before I realized what he was doing.

But the worst came near the end of my time with this job. I had organized a huge, international training for some of our employees. I prepared all of the content for the three day summit and organized all of the logistics to get people there from about 20 different countries. It was a huge amount of work, and I did it almost single-handedly.

On the first day of the summit, the president of the organization welcomed everyone and thanked my boss for putting this event together. My boss didn’t correct him; he just stood there and basked in a round of applause for work he had nothing to do with. Looking back, I wish I had stood up for myself better, but I was young and I didn’t know how to handle it. It was a painful, demoralizing situation, and it hurt my career in the long run.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/men-take-credit-for-womens-work