22 Reasons Why People Ghosted Their Friend


“I ghosted my best friend of 28 years after she completely changed while planning her wedding. First, she asked me and her sister to loose weight before the dress fitting and said we should do a shake diet. She knew I had put on a bit of weight and I was really insecure about this. Second, I planned the hen party and three of her work friends didn’t pay me for their share. She said I was selfish for bringing this up.”

“Third, I broke my wrist in a car accident five weeks before the wedding, and when I called her to tell her what had happened, the first thing she said was I best not have a cast on for the wedding day. The wedding day went fine, but a week after the wedding, she texted me asking to meet up. When we did, she said I tried to make the wedding about me because everyone was asking how I had broken my wrist. I told her to have a good life, got up, and walked away. She texted me a few times after that but I haven’t spoken to her for seven years now. It hurt at first, but I’ve realized we had just grown apart. It’s sad, but it’s part of life.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ravenishak/ghosting-friends