22 Products People Who Work Out In The Morning Swear By

This can be programmed with seven different light settings, seven different calming “wake up” noises, and to start gradually lighting up at 30, 20, or 10 minutes before you wake. 

Promising review: “I sought to buy a sunrise alarm clock because I wanted to change my morning habits. I always go to bed with good intentions of waking up early to have time with God, fit a workout in, and still have time to get ready for teaching in the mornings. I continued to struggle with following through when the morning came and my phone alarm would go off. Fast forward to getting this, and I have been getting up at 5 every morning now during the work week. Coffee & Jesus from 5–5:30, work out from 5:30–6, and getting ready from 6–7. The gentleness of this alarm clock has been a game-changer. Nine out of 10 times the light wakes me up before the sound of the alarm. It just makes it easier to reach my morning goals without feeling the need to hit snooze over and over. 10/10 recommend.” —Mel C

Get it from Amazon for $38.99+ (available in three colors). 

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/abbykass/products-people-who-workout-early-in-the-morning-swear-by