
“My ‘luxury’ car. It’s temperamental and has some of the dumbest, most expensive problems I’ve ever had to deal with. Your LED running light is starting to dim? Can’t replace the bulb? You have to replace the entire headlight assembly…for $4,500.”

“You live in a place that gets very cold in the winter (-40°C/-49°F)? Perfect. This piece of garbage doesn’t have a block heater, so it will definitely freeze solid, then spend seven months in the shop because it’s a stupid collab between a German manufacturer and a Japanese manufacturer and was only produced for two years, so nobody knows how to work on it. Should the dealership have informed you of these things when you purchased the car? Probably, but they didn’t, so it’s your problem now, sucker.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/expensive-things-not-worth-the-money