
“We dated for two years, and we had established similar views about our future (get a house, have kids, and stick with our careers) before having a quick court marriage in November. After we got legally married, we started to plan the religious ceremony to satisfy our extended Indian families that was to happen seven months from our wedding date, in June. As we advanced toward that day of celebration, his true colors started to show, and I realized the signs a little too late that I’d married a narcissist. Once I started to see that his personality wasn’t the same, our lives unraveled into mass chaos.”

“He kept trying to get me pregnant in January, which I found strange, since he knew we had to wait until after our religious ceremony, so I did some investigating because I had to follow my gut feeling that something was off, and found out he was talking to other women inappropriately and spending our savings on OnlyFans. When I confronted him, he collapsed to the floor crying and begging me to forgive him. However, when I said I couldn’t forgive him unless he got professional help, he stood up and smirked while telling me he never even wanted to have kids and then proceeded to walk out. In March I immediately called off everything we were planning and dropped his stuff off at his parents’ place, and he avoided me until I hunted him down on his birthday in April to get him to sign our divorce papers, which he thought I wouldn’t do, as it is shunned in our culture. To this day, I still get chills thinking about how I was fooled into almost starting a life with someone who was just playing a cultural role with a modern twist.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/married-less-than-a-year