
“My husband’s entire immediate family (parents, stepparents, and brother) and some of the extended family all believe I had something to do with my husband’s unexpected and accidental death. They refused to speak to me, hug me, or provide me with any kind of comfort or support. They were accusatory and passive aggressive when we had to plan his memorial. They refused to have a viewing with me, and when we had his memorial, they had ‘their side’ of the room. None of the immediate family would so much as look at me.”

“It’s been about 20 months since he died. The last communication I had with anyone was around the first Christmas after, when his brother sent me an email asking for his suits, dress clothes, and shoes. All of them loved me so much when he was alive, so this came as a massive, massive shock. Some say death can bring people together, and for his family, it did. His parents could finally get along, because they had a common enemy: me.”

—29, USA 

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/toxic-in-laws-stories