
“My partner and I were high school sweethearts. We got married when we were 19, had two kids, and after a challenging, 10-year marriage full of ups and downs, we got divorced. During our time apart, we were great co-parents, we both dated other people, and after two years apart…life sorta just brought us back together. We started doing more things together with our kids, enjoying each other’s company, and one day, he asked me to be his date for his best friend’s wedding. We’ve been together since.”

“We’ve been back together for three years now, and this relationship is completely different — BETTER!!! Although this second time around hasn’t been perfect by any means, we’ve both grown a lot, and our time apart definitely gave us perspective. We’ve been working hard on our relationship and are happier than ever now. We both agree that although going through divorce sucked, it was also very necessary, and we wouldn’t be who we are today — both as individuals and as a couple — if we hadn’t gone through it. So, we call the divorce our ‘blip,’ and to this day, we laugh at people’s shocked and confused reactions when we tell them we’re actually divorced.”

—Anonymous, California

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/divorced-people-got-back-with-ex-spouse-stories