“The birth of my son. Wife started having contractions, but wanted to keep waiting because she is in the medical field and didn’t want to be that woman that gets sent home for false labor pains. Gets to the point where you are supposed to go in and she’s still arguing with me. But then the pain gets so much my wife, who has a high pain tolerance, almost collapses. And now the contractions are starting to run into each other. I put my foot down and say, ‘We are going NOW.’ I grab the prepared bag and my wife understands I’m not taking no for an answer. We drive to the hospital.

The contractions went back to a normal pattern and we’re in the check in. Everything is looking good, but the nurse notes the baby’s heart beat is a little low. We get checked into the room. After we’re all in the room and things are progressing, the door bursts open and about a dozen doctors and nurses fly into the room. They have my wife move into different positions, as I notice the lead doctor is worried about the baby’s heartbeat. Lead doctor says, ‘We’re going to the operating room now, where’s the father?’ I pipe up that I’m the father. ‘Ok, come with us and KEEP UP.’ The team then grabs the bed and RUNS to the OR, with me trailing.

As we’re running one of the medical people is telling me they’re going to do a cesarean section, and once they get set up they’ll come and get me to scrub in. We get to the OR and have me wait outside, across the hall. Now begins the scariest half hour of my life. They don’t come get me. Once [in] a while I see people running in or out. My mind is racing. What if we lose the baby? What if I lose my wife? What if I lose them BOTH?? It was only a half hour, but it was a brutal half hour.

But this story has a happy ending. Eventually they come out and tell me my son has been born and he and my wife are doing good. They bring out my son and I hold him in my hands for the first time, and I feel a joy I cannot describe.

A couple of weeks later, in the follow-up appointment, my wife’s doctor explains we very nearly lost them both. If I had been 10 minutes later, things could have been bad. But we’re all happy and healthy now. All is well that ends well. But that half hour was easily the scariest moments of my life.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/andyneuenschwander/scared-to-your-core-reddit-stories