“Within two weeks, we were joking about our ‘ghost’ and my mother bought me sage to ‘cleanse’ the house. She put it on my bed but it disappeared. It reappeared later in a cupboard in an unused room in the house. With it was a very old photograph of a little girl in a broad hat in front of our house. It was creepy but we were unfazed. We are atheists and didn’t bother with the sage. 

One night, the footsteps intensified. We could hear it outside our bedroom door, which was open. I looked up to see an apparition of what looked like a boy who was in swimming trunks. I screamed, I was so terrified. 

The next day we ‘cleansed’ the house with the sage and the activity stopped. I did some research later and found a news story of a boy who drowned in the waterhole opposite the house who was the same age as Mary. Maybe they were friends.

Everything was normal again until we renovated the house. The footsteps were back and the activity intensified. Objects would slide off tabletops and crash into the wall. Small pieces of furniture would be knocked over before our eyes. My baby/toddler would scream at something we couldn’t see. We found that talking about ‘it’ or acknowledging it made it worse. 

We decided to ‘make contact’ with it. This was a very bad idea. I looked up some YouTube videos… I won’t go into what I did but I blacked out (middle of the day, broad daylight) and was sent to a hellish void. I could hear screaming, and growling and could smell smoke…It was like a near-death experience but instead of bright light, I saw hell. I know that sounds insane and I thought so, too.

I went to the hospital to be assessed, thinking that I must be crazy or had a seizure or a brain tumor or something, anything to explain what had happened. I am in fact 100% healthy and sane. 

Everything stopped, we did not talk about it for fear it would come back and a year later we moved away. 

My youngest child knew nothing about what had happened and had just begun to talk. As we pulled into our new house, she cried and begged for us never to return to the old house again. She said it scared her. Nothing weird or creepy has happened to us since and I have never gone back to our old house. We still own it though.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ravenishak/ghost-stories-encounters