18 Shockingly Out-Of-Touch Things Rich People Have Said

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“I once worked for a family of four in their home — nannying, laundry, cleaning, chauffeuring the kids, helping with dinner and errands, etc. They did whatever on their end to have me as a legitimate employee in the eyes of the IRS, I assume to avoid getting taxed on the money they paid me. The mom told me they’d ‘help me out’ when tax season came because I would owe the IRS, as they never did any withholdings on their end from my pay, which is the only way I’d ever been paid before (I was in my early twenties and ignorant about this kind of stuff). Anyway, tax season came, and sure enough, I owed the IRS around $900. Which I did not have.”

“So I let her know. She said, ‘If we give you around half will that be okay?’ I responded, ‘We can talk about it another time,’ since the dad wasn’t home and he was a little more in touch with financial realities than she was. She then went on to tell me a story about a time when they sold property and didn’t know the nuances of property taxes and whatnot, and they unexpectedly ended up owing the IRS around $50,000. They had to call her father-in-law/his father to have him open up their access to the trust fund so they could pay it. She literally compared her ABILITY to get $50,000 at the drop of a hat to my INABILITY to pay $900. I did not work one single second again for them after that.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sydrobinson1/rich-people-out-of-touch-comments