
“My ex remarried a few years after we divorced. At first, things were fine, but then, his wife began causing problems for my daughter. When my daughter was 14, she and her stepmother really got into it while she was there for visitation, so she called and asked me to come get her. I spoke to her dad and asked if she could come home and not go for visitation for a month or two to let things cool down. He agreed, but then, his wife insisted he move all of my daughter’s belongings out of their house, so she never went back.”

“Shortly after, my daughter’s dad and the stepmom wrote horrible letters to her and mailed them to my house in her name. When I saw the mail, I opened it, and I could not believe the things they wrote. The stepmother told my daughter she, a teenager, was abusive and causing problems in their marriage and that she was going to turn out to be a terrible person. I put that letter away and just gave it to her last year when she was 30.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/family-secrets-kids