
“I didn’t hear it myself, but my now-husband did. When we started dating and were still keeping it hush-hush at work, he was having lunch with some coworkers, and some of the men started talking about the women in the office. When my name came up, one of them said, ‘Oh yeah, she’s really good in bed.’ And then he boasted about bogus sexual encounters with me, unaware that the guy sitting right next to him was dating me. My husband didn’t say anything, knowing full well that on the days that the guy claimed I was with him doing the nasty, I was actually with my husband.

“My husband told me about it on our way home, and I was livid. That guy’s face when HR announced our wedding was a sight to behold. He never talked to us ever again.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/worst-things-overheard-coworkers-say