It seems as if people are pretty easily offended these days, but perhaps that’s not always a bad thing – maybe it just means more people feel comfortable speaking up about what bothers them now.

Either way, there are some things that seem universally offensive – but there are always those special folks who aren’t bothered.

These 16 people are sharing the things that don’t bother them, even though they send most folks over the edge.

16. My ears still work.

Eye contact. I don’t care if someone is too anxious to have good eye contact, I can hear them just fine.

15. The goal is understanding.

I adopted 4 kids. People ask me tons of questions including questions that people consider insensitive, like: are they related? Where are their real parents? One person even asked if it was me or my wife that was infertile.

I don’t mind these questions at all and enjoy helping people understand adoption better.

14. Who really cares?

Wearing a hat indoors. I teach high school. Our principal is irate at the mention of wearing a hat indoors. My grandparents agree with him.

But I literally can’t care. You could pay me a thousand dollars to care and I couldn’t muster it.

Why does anyone give a s*%t? It’s fabric on their head.

13. It is what it is.

Not being invited to friends or even family members’ events, especially weddings. It is what it is, and I don’t expect an explanation.

Have fun and take lots of pictures, we’re good!

12. It’s nothing personal.

when I tell people I need space to recoup and collect myself. I just don’t understand what they don’t get about that. It’s nothing personal.

I’m naturally an introvert.

11. Some people like telling stories.

I don’t mind people asking me where I’m really from. I like telling people about my grandparents’ stories who were refugees, I’m very proud of that background.

My grandpa carried his wounded friend on his back whilst he was fleeing war and crossing borders.

My grandma had golden coins sewn onto the inside of her dress when she escaped, the only valuables she could carry to rebuild her life. She saw her father drown falling off the boat they escaped on.

Stories help people understand. But I do also understand why others might find these questions offensive.

10. Really your fault not theirs.

Other people speaking a language I don’t know.

Only time I’d care is if they were pointing at me and laughing while speaking a language I didn’t understand, but tbf I’d be even more offended if I did understand the language so…

9. Super flattered.

Getting hit on by a gay man (I am a straight man). Idk why that bothers so many straight men.

Like sorry man, you’re gonna be disappointed when you find out I’m not gay, but I’m still super flattered that you think I’m attractive.

8. A cultural thing.

Calling someone a c**t.

I’m Scottish, I call everyone a c**t. Especially my friends.

7. Why hide it?

Asking a woman’s age.

I’m a woman and don’t care at all about telling people my age.

I’d actually feel uncomfortable hiding it. I mean, why should I be ashamed. There is nothing wrong with being old, in fact, you should get a medal for every year you stayed alive. It takes work!!

6. It has no gender.

“Dude” can be gender neutral language.

I’m a woman, and I say “hey guys” and “dude” all the time – I’ve honestly never attached a gender to it

5. If you do it well.


Criticism is one of the most valuable resources for personal and professional development. I’ve worked with so many people who just get angry and shut down the moment anyone criticises their work. It’s not personal.

That said, not everyone does things the same way… and, as long as the results are good, the means of achieving them is up to the individual – whatever they find most efficient.

4. That’s America.

Female nipples.

If only… a lot of Americans seem to have a weird combination of hyper-s*xual fascination and puritanical values. They see a topless woman and automatically assume it is a s^x thing and she is ‘soliciting”, they see a man sitting in a park and assume he is leering at children, they see two married men and immediately think about their bedroom activities, etc.

3. It’s arbitrary.


I’ve always found the concept of swearing to be completely arbitrary. At some point, society decided that certain words can’t be said.

BUT…if you say other words with the very same meaning and intent, go for it.

2. A weird hill to die on.

White people wearing braids or cornrows (I’m black)

Do whatever you want with your hair.

It’s a weird hill to die on when there’s so many other things out there to worry about.

1. That’s the whole story.

Being asked if I’m pregnant. No I’m just fat.

I work at a nursing home and so we still all wear masks and a new coworker asked me how my pregnancy was coming along…three separate times.

She thought i was another pregnant coworker but I had to say no just the fat one lol.

It’s so interesting to see behind the curtain of other people’s brains, right?

I’m sure these lists just get more and more interesting the more you delve into them!
