
“We’d been friends since we were 9 years old, and friends almost 20 years when it ended. She called me up tearfully one afternoon and said she couldn’t be my maid of honor anymore. Why? Her husband had given her an ultimatum: me or HIM. And why the ultimatum? He had gotten a DUI and if she had gone, no one could drive him around or to a class that he supposedly couldn’t miss, even though I had invited them with plenty of time to make other arrangements. I brushed it off, trying to keep my head high because these things happen, but what set me off was that the day of my wedding, she didn’t even call or send a card. Nothing.”

“Just went silent on me. I emailed her asking why she didn’t even bother to contact me and she had said that her husband told her not to and that he will always come first and now that I was married, I would understand. Hell no. I ended it right there. I had always been her second, ALWAYS. Just took my wedding to finally wake up and realize it.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/childhood-bestie-breakups