
“The weirdest thing for sure was when the super rich Saudi Prince/investor came over and we had to do basically anything he said. One time, he wanted the whole duck family in his suite, so we literally had Huey, Louie, and Dewey shipped over from Florida since Paris didn’t have the costumes. I was Scrooge. We had to go to his suite overlooking Main Street one morning and hand out random certificates to his friends for achievements including ‘being at Disneyland Paris.'”

“Another time, he threw a massive party in the conference room of one of the hotels and requested a ton of characters. One of the most surreal moments of my life to date was dancing around a room to ‘Eeeverybody, eeeverybody, eeeverybody wants to beee a cat, hallelujah!!!’ with dozens of totally random Disney characters while fake snow came down from the ceiling and disco lights flashed. Meanwhile, the Saudi Prince and his crew were all just sitting at tables and watching us while we sweated for their entertainment. Good times.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sydrobinson1/disney-park-actor-secrets-stories