15 Times Money Caused Shocking Family Drama


“My aunt’s husband, his brother (and his wife), and sister in Ireland are feuding over their late father’s debt. They had no idea that their father had a seriously huge debt until his death from COVID last year. Despite not knowing what the hell he did to rack up such a huge debt, they sold off his house, entire house contents, car, and two antique motorcycles to pay for the funeral costs, legal fees, and most of his debt.”

“There is nothing left in their dad’s estate to pay the rest, which is apparently around 40,000 euros. The last I heard, the brothers are pushing their sister (youngest sibling) to sell her house because she’s divorced and child-free and her house is unencumbered. Quelle surprise, she’s pushing back. Hence, the feud. It’s also affecting the second brother’s marriage. His wife believes the siblings should pay equally, but he reacted as if she stabbed his back, so she’s staying at his sister’s with their kids. The second brother reacted badly when his daughter offered her savings to help pay the debt. His reaction makes it another reason his wife left him, taking their kids with her. I feel sorry for the whole family, actually. Granted, I don’t know them that well, but they seemed close at one time.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/lizmrichardson/family-drama-over-money-stories