15 Things Women Find Confusing About Men

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“You know that meme, where a woman is thinking, ‘Huh, he’s probably thinking about other women,’ and in actuality, the guy is thinking the most random of things of nothing at all. Yeah. That.”


“Do women not think about random things? Do you never get bored and just start thinking about how flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?”


“I can’t speak for other women, but yeah. Yesterday, I just randomly had the thought in the shower, ‘What is the air inside a bell pepper made of? Is it just regular air, or is it, like, all carbon dioxide or oxygen or what?’ … I googled it, it’s regular air.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/sarahaspler/women-are-sharing-the-most-confusing-things-about-men