
“I married my first real boyfriend from high school. We got married at 22. We were young and having fun with our huge group of friends but we rarely just spent time together. When he proposed I felt that it was the next step, not really thinking about how I felt. Once we were married he became very controlling and manipulating. My breaking point was after he spent hundreds of dollars on whatever he wanted but he wouldn’t let me buy a shirt or basic toiletries, called them luxuries, and cut up my ATM card when I did buy them.”

“I worked more hours for more money, but that didn’t matter. I realized I still had my whole life ahead of me if I left then, at 24. So I did and never looked back. Now I am 37, married to someone I truly love, and have two beautiful children. I am so glad 24-year-old me was brave enough to start over.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/high-school-sweetheart-divorce-stories