
“I should have just fucking asked them out years earlier. It would have been a no, but then I’d have an opportunity to be hurt and get over it instead of pining away in a ‘relationship cold war’ for years. I’m over it now and we’re still friends today, but I wasted a lot of time agonizing for, like, no reason.”


“This is pretty much how my last relationship went, too. We were in a relationship for a couple of years, then she wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted. But we lived together, so it was complicated — then we moved to separate places when we moved cities and it absolutely should have ended there (if not many months before then). She realized she needed me to be an emotional support blanket, so she didn’t want to give me up. We finally broke things off when she moved to Europe, but even then, she kept calling me on a regular basis for nearly a year afterward to vent about whatever the hell. Christ, what a mess.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaylayandoli/relationship-dating-regret-stories