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Home » 15 Non-Famous Nepo Babies Share Privilege Realizations

15 Non-Famous Nepo Babies Share Privilege Realizations


“I work in commercial real estate. The industry is absolutely filled with nepo babies, myself included — I had multiple family members in executive management when I was hired. I realized my privilege extremely early on. Did I work my butt off? Absolutely. Probably harder than most of my peers. But at the same time, I was given opportunities they could have only dreamed of.”

I had easy access to executives and was put on major assignments, and I never had to worry about being fired. Not that I did anything which warranted it, but I could take a longer lunch or go to the gym during the day and know that nobody could say anything to me. I always tried to share what I was learning or introduce my coworkers that were also coming up in the industry. Frankly, though, the cons of being a nepo baby far outweigh the pros. Nobody trusts me, and they don’t believe I’ve earned anything I’ve achieved even though my track record says the exact opposite. It’s made it really tough, and truthfully, one of the many reasons I’ve been looking to leave and go to a place where I have no connections whatsoever. I know that’s a privilege as well, though, because the only reason I’m able to do that is because of the experience I’ve received because of my privilege. It’s a weird cycle, but the most I can do is try to use whatever advantages I’ve been given to help out other people. I’m not perfect at it, but I’ve always committed to doing my best.”

