
And: “My ex-wife cheated on me about 10 years ago. At first I was devastated and turned to the bottle for a little while. Eventually, after the divorce I realized I was happier without her. She didn’t contribute much to the relationship but had many expectations for me. I have dated since, but have found that those relationships go in a similar direction: a ton of expectations from me, and not much expected from them.”

“I think this is how I changed the most today: I won’t settle for a woman who doesn’t put any effort into a relationship. I am more critical of the woman I date, so therefore, I have remained single. 

I haven’t found someone who will put in as much effort as I do, and if they aren’t going to put any effort into the relationship, odds are it is a matter of time before she, too, will cheat.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kaylayandoli/men-being-cheated-on-by-women-stories