15 Inventions That We Didn’t Know We Wanted

While technology continues to advance at a rapid rate, it’s the basic inventions that have the power to really enhance our life. While we may not have all of the money in the world to purchase the following items, we’re beyond glad they were created to better our lives in 2020. Here are 15 products collected from the subreddit /r/DidntKnowIWantedThat that were designed by geniuses. Please tell us where we can buy that cross-legged office chair immediately.

A Family Tent Straight Out Of A Harry Potter Film

@odditymall wing Tent Camping Leisure


(Source: Reddit)

So That Your Arm Doesn’t Have To Die When You Sleep

Mattress Mattress Comfort Sleep Furniture Arm Mattress pad


(Source: Reddit)

Because You Need Something Else Disappointed In You

i AWESOMEINVENTIONS.COM This Smart Planter Gives Your Plant A Face And It Shows You How It's Feeling Flowerpot Plant Houseplant


(Source: Reddit)

Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/collections/15-inventions-that-we-didnt-know-we-wanted