15 Examples of Boomer Humor Only Funny to People Over 50

Like any art, humor is always evolving,. Though some jokes are as classic as a single-breasted blazer and a crisp white oxford shirt, mot humor that was funny a few decades ago is as stale and unfashionable now as a leisure suit. 

I’m talking about the sorts of jokes your uncle might share on his Facebook timeline. They’re the eyeroll-inducing wisecracks on the Hallmark Shoebox greeting cards your great-aunt sends you for your birthday. Similar to dad jokes, they are a brand of humor that seems exclusively by and for people born before 1964 — AKA boomer humor. While you might not find them funny, here are 15 examples of boomer humor that will definitely delight your grandma’s best friend, Gladys.

Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/boomer-humor-lame-jokes